Briquettes: Useful tips

Briquettes: Useful tips

Buy them ahead of using them-the earlier the better-and store them close to the heating unit. There's a simple reason for that: you can move them more easily while raining or snowing. Avoid placing them outdoors, even if you'll cover them with plastic or cloth.Keep them away from water, points where there might be a water leakage or places with high humidity.

Epipleon magazine, issue 74

Epipleon magazine, issue 74

A presentation regarding both our facilities and our corporate philosophy, on a well-respected magazine that allowed us to present the wood industry from our angle.Thank you for that!

Taglis SA and HELEXPO

Taglis SA and HELEXPO

During the exposition Helexpo 2014, Taglis SA made an impressive appearance in the collaborating pavilion of “Kratki”, a company active in the field of heating with heaters and bio fireplaces

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