Briquettes: Useful tips

Briquettes: Useful tips

Buy them ahead of using them-the earlier the better-and store them close to the heating unit. There's a simple reason for that: you can move them more easily while raining or snowing. Avoid placing them outdoors, even if you'll cover them with plastic or cloth.Keep them away from water, points where there might be a water leakage or places with high humidity.

There's a series of small, yet significant tips when it comes to storying and using briquettes:

Buy them ahead of using them-the earlier the better-and store them close to the heating unit. There's a simple reason for that: you can move them more easily while raining or snowing. Avoid placing them outdoors, even if you'll cover them with plastic or cloth. Keep them away from water, points where there might be a water leakage or places with high humidity. Once the briquettes is wat or moist, it its unsuitable for use. Before using your fireplace or heater, it is best if you'll arrange their cleaning and maintenance, most preferably by consulting or hiring experts for the best possible results. It is also advised to remove any residue before any new use. Finally, do not use them with any other materials, especially those that contain cemicals!ΑΓΟΡΑ ΜΠΡΙΚΕΤΑΣ